Title: A glance at the FIDIC contracts and the main differences among four major contracts.
Time: 15:25, March 22th, 2017
Venue: Rm101, North Building
Lecturer: Dr. Donato Nitti
In international commercial law, model contracts are, at the same time, a precious learning tool and a useful instrument for the practitioners and businessmen. Usually model contracts are prepared by lawyers for association of entrepreneurs, which have specific experience of the problems that may arise in a specific transaction. This is all the more true in construction law, where the technical issues are most complex than the commercial issues. Among the model contracts, which are also a precious tool for learning construction law.
Dr. Donato Nitti, PHD, from Florence, Italy, founder of KEIS LAW will hold a lecture to cast a glance at the FIDIC contracts and will describe the main differences among the four major contracts.
同济大学法学院邀请到意大利的Donato Nitti律师(Florence大学博士,KEIS律师事务所合伙人)带我们浅窥FIDIC合同,同时简述四个重要合同的主要区别。
讲座者:Dr. Donato Nitti (同济大学法学院客座教授、KEIS律师事务所合伙人、上海国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁员)