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Associate Professor

Prof. WU Yan

Time:2020-12-24    Views:

Name:  WU Yan

Gender: Male

Professional Title: Associate Professor

Degree: Ph.D.

Position: -

E-mail: shenyanw@163.com

Education and Working Experiences

Associate Professor at Faculty of Law, Tongji University, 2019-Now

Assistant Professor of Law School, East China Normal University, 2014-2019

PhD: Jilin University, 2012 (Dissertation: Law, Freedom and Force)

MA: Jilin University, 2007

       Research Interests

Jurisprudence, Legal Philosophy

Courses Teaching

History of Legal Thought, Jurisprudence



1. Law, Freedom and Force, The Commercial Press, 2016.

Articles and Reviews:

1.  “The Political Implications of Kant’s Critical Philosophy” in Universitas-Monthly Review of Philosophy and

Culture, 2016, 43(6):175-195A&HCI).

2. Two Approaches to Kant’s Legal Philosophy, in Fudan Political Philosophy Review Vol.1, No.1/2010.

3. John Finnis’s New Natural Law Theory, in Fudan Political Philosophy Review Vol.1, No.2/2010.

4. The State of Nature, Individual Rights, State and Political Truth: The Political Philosophy of Hobbes, in Yearbook of Western Legal Philosophers Study, Vol.2/2007.



1. Jeffrie Murphy: Kant: The Philosophy of Right, translated by Wu Yan, China Legal

Publishing House, 2010.

2. John Finnis, Natural Law Theories, translated by Wu Yan, The Commercial Press,


3. Yves Simon, Nature and Functions of Authority The Commercial Press, 2015.

4. Germain Grisez, The First Principle of Practical Reason, The Commercial Press, 2015.

5. Germain Grisez, Boyle, and John Finnis, Practical Principles, Moral Truth and

       Ultimate Ends, The Commercial Press.