Name: Peter GANEA
Gender: Male
Professional Title: Foreign Expert
Degree: Ph.D.
Position: Research Fellow Sino-German International Economic Law Institute
Education and Working Experiences
Language and culture studies, Hokkaidô University (1994)
M.A. University of Munich (1997)
Ph.D., Universiy of Munich (2000)
Head of Asia Department, Max Planck Institute for Competition and Innovation
Program Coordinator, Goethe University Frankfurt (2008-2015)
Co-Director Sino-German International Economic Law Institute (2016-2024)
Visiting researcher, Institute of Intellectual Property (IIP) Tokyo (2001)
Visiting lecturer, Hitotsubashi University (2004)
Research Interests
Intellectual Property
Economic Analysis of Law
Courses Teaching
International Intellectual Property Law
German Civil Code – General Part
German Civil Code – Law of Obligations
German Public Law
Verwandte Schutzrechte im Urheberrecht der Länder Japan, China und Deutschland - eine vergleichende Studie (Neighbouring Rights in the Copyright Laws of Japan, China and Germany), doctor thesis, Beck 2000.
Co-author, Intellectual Property Law in China (2005), Kluwer Law, 2nd edition forthcoming 2021.
Co-editor, Intellectual Property in Asia – Law, Economics, History and Politics, Springer 2009.
Co-editor, Patentschutz und Stammzellenforschung (Patent Protection and Stem Cell Research), Springer 2009.
Co-editor, Patent Law in Greater China (2014), Kluwer Law, 2nd edition forthcoming 2021.
Selected Articles
China’s Amended Legal Regime on Patents and Utility Models”, Oxford Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol. 5 No. 9 (2010). 650-662.
Volksrepublik China und Hongkong“ (People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong SAR), in Christoph Ann et al. (eds.), Praxishandbuch Know-how - Schutz, Carl Heymanns-Publishing House, Cologne 2010, S. 664-686, Second edition/update under preparation
Urheberrecht (Copyright) in Harald Baum and Moritz Bälz (eds.), Handbuch Japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Handbook Japanese Trade and Commercial Law), Carl Heymanns-Verlag 2011, 1005-1039, comprehensive update for second edition forthcoming 2021 (with Masahiro Motoyama)
The worldwide David-versus-Goliath Copyright Debate and its Potential Impact on Copyright Law and Practice in China and Japan”, in Harald Meyer et al. (eds.), Media, Cultures, Identities: Aspects of Contents Business in East Asia, iudicium 2012, 15-35.
Markenrechtliche Erschöpfung und Verbraucherschutz – vergleichende Betrachtungen zur Rechtslage in Japan” (Trademark exhaustion and consumer protection – comparative observations regarding the legal situation in Japan) Journal of Japanese Law 2012, Special Issue No.5, 173-185
Chapter 8: People’s Republic of China, in von Lewinski (ed.), Copyright Throughout the World, West Publishing, 8-1 – 8-110 (Looseleaf, last update 2014).
Predominantly process patent related aspects of litigation, in Stefan Luginbuehl and Peter Ganea (eds.), Patent Law in Greater China, Edward Elgar 2014, 295-309
Zur Reform des einstweiligen Rechtsschutzes im geistigen Eigentum der Volksrepublik China (On the reform of the P.R.C`s preliminary intellectual property protection system), Zeitschrift für chinesisches Recht (Journal of Chinese Law) 4/2017, 288 – 298
Das Markenrecht in China“ (Trademark Law in China) in Friedrich Ekey et al. (eds.), Heidelberger Kommentar zum Markenrecht (Heidelberg Commentary on Trademark Law), 4th ed. ed., C.F. Müller Publishing House, Heidelberg 2019, 1385-1405.